I'm really struggling with "SAP Code Exchange".
Well, I love using the svn client to manage ABAP source code but how can I enable my followers to download from "SAP Code Exchange" easily?
Even if they just want to use (but not contribute to) my ABAP programs they have to walk throught the whole process of accepting terms-of-usage.
Here is an example:
This link shows or downloads the simple text file but requires some additional authentication which require previous agreement on some Terms-of-Usage:
This link just uses the normal SCN authentication but feeds the text file into a html page which turn downloading or copying it into a different task:
This link just uses the normal SCN authentication but adds nasty line numbers which kill any atemp to use the code:
Well, I stongly think about leaving "SAP Code Exchange" and go back to simple versioned text documents like this one:
What do you think about it?
Kind regards