I have added a matrix to item master data form, the matrix include a combobox - for list uom
When navigating item, the add-ons performance is not good, this is tracing
1. start to LoadUOMMatrix(). 26/06/2013 08:42:00
1.1. oApp.Forms.Item(FormUID).Freeze(true) :4 msec. 26/06/2013 08:42:00
1.2. (SAPbouiCOM.Matrix)oApp.Forms.Item(FormUID).Items.Item("UoM").Specific :45 msec. 26/06/2013 08:42:00
1.3. oApp.Forms.Item(FormUID).DataSources.DBDataSources.Item("@UOMCONV").Query(conds) :38 msec. 26/06/2013 08:42:01
1.4. matrix.LoadFromDataSource() : 0 msec. 26/06/2013 08:42:01
1.5. GetUoMDictory() :245 msec. 26/06/2013 08:42:01
1.6. UpdateComboboxFromDictionary() :388 msec. 26/06/2013 08:42:02
1.7. SetMxComboBox() & AffectsFormMode = true :65 msec. 26/06/2013 08:42:02
1.8. oApp.Forms.Item(FormUID).Freeze(false) :4 msec. 26/06/2013 08:42:02
2. LoadUOMMatrix(string FormUID) :2781 msec. 26/06/2013 08:42:03
3. do LoadUOMMatrix() on UoMConversions_FormDataEvent - SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_DATA_LOAD :3197 msec. 26/06/2013 08:42:03
4. UoMConversions_FormDataEvent(ref SAPbouiCOM.BusinessObjectInfo BusinessObjectInfo, ref bool BubbleEvent) :3387 msec. 26/06/2013 08:42:03
5.FormDataEvent(ref SAPbouiCOM.BusinessObjectInfo BusinessObjectInfo, out bool BubbleEvent) :3583 msec. 26/06/2013 08:42:03
Now question is the method LoadUOMMatrix() is 2781 msec, but in this method, 8 steps total time is 4+45+38+0+245+388+65+4=785, it's strange, why are differ? Where is consuming the extra time (2781-785)?
Please give advise.