I am following this document "How To... Apply Custom Branding Using the AJAX Framework L-Shape APIs ". I have downloaded the project locally using SVN and successfully tested it and working fine. I want to make some changes to the files (like changing some display text etc) and deploy to our portal server. I changed the respective file and it shows the * against each file which means it marked the file for changes. but the .ear file doesn't show the * mark. I don't see a option to build that project locally and update the .ear file so i can deploy and see the changes on our portal server. When i deploy the .ear file i get the message "all files are already deployed" because it doesn't detect any change to the .ear file.
Can you any one please guide me how to build the downloaded project and update the .ear file from code exchange locally and deploy to our server? I don't want to check-in my changes back to code exchange.
Thanks in advance.